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Farmers Branch Fire Department

Community pushes in new ambulance


Community members joined with the Farmers Branch Fire Department to push in the city's newest ambulance, Medic 132.

This tradition dates back to 19th century when firefighters, after returning from a call, would unhitch their horses and manually push the steam engines and hose carts back into the station. 

Farmers Branch Fire Chief Daniel Latimer said that while the department, which has been in service since 1946, has lived up to the first part of its motto, "Caring Service ... Proud Tradition," the department has not had many traditions until about three years ago, when it adopted the push-in ceremony for its new trucks.

"Tradition has been a strong part of the fire service since the time of Benjamin Franklin," he said.

Farmers Branch Fire Department (FBFD) Chaplain Steve Solari recited from the book of Philippians in the Christian Bible and prayed for the firefighters and emergency services employees and the "tools to enable our hard-working people to serve better."