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City Council Election Candidate Questionnaire

Brenda Brodrick


The Branch Herald sent questionnaires to the candidates for the City of Farmers Branch City Council District 2 Special Election, which will be Nov. 5. The Branch Herald limited the number of characters allowed in responses for the questions that are highlighted. The Branch Herald used the Word Counter website to determine character count.


    1. Name: Brenda Brodrick
    2. Occupation: Proprietor and Manager of residential properties
    3. Education: Bachelor’s degree from Charis College in Business Leadership
    4. Campaign Phone: 214-604-5488
    5. Email:
    6. Website:
    7. Facebook:
    8. X (formerly known as Twitter):
    9. YouTube:


  1. Length of residency in the City of Farmers Branch: 29 years
  2. Why do you want to be a Farmers Branch City Councilmember?
    I want to be a FB city councilmember because I am a servant-leader.  That’s who I am and what I do best.
  3. How many Farmers Branch City Council meetings have you attended or watched online in the last year?
    I have attended or watched all the FB city council meetings in the past year.  
  4. Outside of regularly scheduled meetings and work sessions, how many hours per month do you think a Farmers Branch Councilmember should commit to the job? I think a FB councilmember should commit to 20 hrs./week or 80 hrs./month.
  5. Have you served on any City of Farmers Branch boards or commissions? If so, which ones?
    I have served on the Family Advisory Board and FB Community Watch.
  6. What other civic responsibilities have you undertaken?
  7. What other offices have you run for? When?
    I ran for the office of Precinct Chair in 2000 and have been Precinct Chair ever since.
  8. What community organizations do you belong to?
    I belonged to the FB Chamber of Commerce for many years. 
  9. What city leadership programs have you participated in?
    I have taught Constitution Alive to FB residents. 
  10. Name one specific new project or initiative you would like to see begun during your term. What actions are needed to implement it?I would like to see another grocery store come here, such as HEB.  The first step is to discuss it in Study Session. 
  11. What makes you the most qualified candidate in your race – and why?
    Because I have been Precinct Chair #2303 (which is in D.2) for 24 years, I have a pulse for the needs and wants of the residents.  I am confident.  I am highly organized.  I am pro-active.  I have been successful in my life:  my marriage is successful; my children are successful; my occupation is successful.  I like to study and research.  I believe I will be a benefit to the residents of FB. 
  12. ​What do you think about the demo/rebuild program and the city’s renaissance programs? (500 characters)
    I am in favor of both the demo/rebuild program and the city’s renaissance programs.
  13. How do you define “Affordable Housing?” (400 characters)
    My definition of affordable housing:  In the rental market one must earn 3 times the amount of rent to qualify. This allows for financial ease in living.  It should be the same in the mortgage market.  An affordable home is one in which you can make payments and still live comfortably. 
  14. How do you define the “Missing Middle?” (400 characters)
    The “Missing Middle” would be a society with only a high-class and low-class.  It seems to me that we still have many in the middle-class.  Those are the ones who get up every day, go to work, produce a good or a service, and thereby provide for their families.  
  15. What can you, as a Council Member, do to improve the availability of affordable housing in Farmers Branch? (400 characters)
    The housing market in FB is more affordable than many other metroplex communities.  If a person is looking for a starter-home, the possibility of them finding one in FB is good.
  16. To what extent should City Council follow and approve recommendations of the city’s Planning and Zoning Commission
    The Council should listen closely to P&Z’s recommendations.  Then, through using both their insights and one’s own research, make the final decision. 
  17. How successful are the city’s current programs to address its aging infrastructure?  What would you change?  Please elaborate.
    Both the Demo/Rebuild and the Builders of Hope programs lend themselves to combat aging infrastructure.  The best way to address aging infrastructure is to educate residents to water their foundations in the hopes of preventing wall and ceiling cracks.  I would ask businesses or clubs to formulate a volunteer team, or teams, to help the poor and elderly to fix the things that they are not able to fix.   
  18. What is the single biggest challenge facing our city today?
    As always, the single biggest challenge facing our city today is keeping our taxes low, our services high, and our rainy-day fund equipped for a rainy-day. 
  19. What are Farmers Branch’s most valuable amenities or benefits that you will work to maintain or expand?
    Our most valuable amenities that I will work to maintain or expand are our:  Rec Ctr, Branch Connection, Manske Library, City Hall, Animal Services, Police, Fire, Municipal Court, Dog Park, Skate Park, Rawhide Creek Trail, All our Parks, Aquatic Ctr, Historical Park, and Water/Garbage services.  We live in a very wonderful city with amenities.